Trench Crusade
Trench Crusade is a tabletop wargame set in a blasphemously alternate WW1 era created by artist Mike Franchina (Diablo 2r/3/4, Path of Exile 2, Magic: The Gathering) with rules by acclaimed game designer Tuomas Pirinen (Mordheim, Warhammer 6th edition) and brought to life by James Sherriff (28 mag, Ian Miller's Grim Tarock) and some of the greatest creative talents in wargaming.

Trench Crusade

92 Products
Showing 1 - 48 of 92 products
Trench Crusade - Trench Pilgrims Warband
Trench Crusade - Heretic Legion Warband
Trench Crusade - New Antioch Warband
Court of the Seven Headed Serpent Warband
Trench Crusade - Iron Sultanate Warband
Trench Crusade - Black Grail Warband
Trench Crusade - Trench Pilgrims Reinforcements
Heretic Legion reinforcements
Heretic Legion reinforcements
Sale price£75.42
Trench Crusade - New Antioch Reinforcements
Court of the Seven Headed Serpent Reinforcements
Trench Crusade - Iron Sultanate Reinforcements
Trench Crusade - Black Grail Reinforcements
Mercenaries Reinforcement set
Mercenaries Reinforcement set
Sale price£76.19
Trench Crusade terrain - Trench system bundleTrench Crusade terrain - Trench system bundle
Trench Crusade - Castigator - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - Castigator - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - Ecclesiastic Prisoners - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - Ecclesiastic Prisoners - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - Shrine Anchorite - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - Shrine Anchorite - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - Trench Pilgrim - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - Trench Pilgrim - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - Sniper Priest w/rifle - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - Sniper Priest w/rifle - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - War Prophet - Trench PilgrimsTrench Crusade - War Prophet - Trench Pilgrims
Trench Crusade - Annointed (axe) - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Annointed (axe) - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Artillery Witch - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Artillery Witch - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Chorister - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Chorister - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Death Commando - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Death Commando - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Heretic Troopers - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Heretic Troopers - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Heretic Priest - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - Heretic Priest - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - War Wolf - Heretic LegionTrench Crusade - War Wolf - Heretic Legion
Trench Crusade - Combat Engineer - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Combat Engineer - New Antioch
Trench Crusade - Lieutenant - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Lieutenant - New Antioch
Trench Crusade - Shocktroopers - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Shocktroopers - New Antioch
Trench Crusade - Sniper Priest (MG) - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Sniper Priest (MG) - New Antioch
Trench Crusade - Trench Cleric - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Trench Cleric - New Antioch
Trench Crusade - Yeomen - New AntiochTrench Crusade - Yeomen - New Antioch