Cripta Studios
46 Products
Cripta Studios focuses on crafting a world of exceptional figures in all of our bundles, with the perfect balance between gaming, storytelling and painting.Experience a line of awesome printable minis made by a team with experience in games and collectables. Cripta Studios focuses on crafting a world of exceptional miniatures, with the perfect balance between gaming, storytelling and painting.
Featured Products

Creature | MindFlayer - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€16,53

Hero | Ozzy Roses - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€7,52

Boss | Vecna - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€9,61

Creature | Demogorgon - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€15,37
Showing 1 - 24 of 46 products

Hero | Uldon Bard - The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€6,34

Yana Muto - Hero | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€9,63

Maude Lacroix - Hero | The Graveyard of Sorrows
Sale price€7,70

Hero | Ozzy Roses - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€7,52

Wyetta Lavesh - Hero | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€8,66

Muriel Becker - NPC | The Shadow Over Ravenor
Sale price€7,70

Owlbear - Creature | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€19,25

Alana Petter - Hero | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€7,70

Corvo Baltar - Hero | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€6,74

Jordan Jornrar - Hero | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€6,74

Forest Ecco - NPC| The Blemish of the Twilight Forest
Sale price€9,63

Wyetta Lavesh - Hero Bust | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€28,87

Yana Muto - Hero Bust | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€33,67

Creature | Elder Brain - Nostalgia Quest
Sale price€53,79

Bron the Plantling - NPC | The Blemish of the Twilight Forest
Sale price€7,70

Graken Zurk - Hero | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€9,63

Yavash - Enemy | The Bestiarium of the Mad Scholar
Sale price€28,87

Aria Maiden of the Coral - Enemy | The Cove of Swords Deep
Sale price€9,63

Longo Proudrock & Moga - Hero| The Shadow Over Ravenor
Sale price€9,63

Baron Of Ravenor - NPC | The Shadow Over Ravenor
Sale price€8,60

Griffin - Creature | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€15,40

Dancing Monkey - Creature| The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€7,70

Two-Headed Deer - Creature | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€9,63

Alma Slyden - NPC | The Carnival of the Shattered
Sale price€5,78
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