And so it begins - by Mecha.Net Studios

Hello! And welcome to the MechaNet Only-Games store. Many people* have asked for physical prints of our minis - especially if they are not aware of our website ( We've partnered with Only Games** to offer you the ability to print-on-demand any of our designs on MyMiniFactory! (and more designs coming soon!) Also by doing this we can dig into our backlog of new, upcoming, exciting, amazing, incredible, and not at all over-hyped designs!!!

Also, if you'd really like to help us out and you have a lot of disposable income, why not buy some of our minis made of 18k Gold! ... No really, please do. Please.

* in my head

** signed up

MechaNet on MMF

Mecha.Net Webstore

MechaNet Only-Games Store