24 troopers: 11 with laser rifles (three poses), three with flamer, six with lazer rifle (two poses), four with missile launcher (two poses).
The origin of the dreaded strider soldiers goes back to the Third Phystyulon War, while the Phystyulons still had a presence on Urrot. They were first forays into the field of cybernetics and genetic enhancement. The striders were so named (“strider” is a direct translation from Zoiloiat) because of the principle enhancement – the doubling of the length of the legs. The legs on the first striders were replaced entirely with cybernetics; modern striders use a combination of a cybernetic core housed within flesh, genetically modified and enhanced from the soldier’s own genetic structure.
These legs give the striders a much greater speed, both on the ground and climbing, and moreover, as they are primarily cybernetic, allow the striders to simply stand much longer than a typical elenthnar. (As compared to a biped, whose legs are beneath them, the elenthar’s spider-like stance requires more effort to stand.)
A suite of other enhancements to senses and capabilities also increase the strider’s combat power, though unless seen outside their armour, these are not quite as evident.
Strider soldiers are typically deployed in the same pattern as regular Phystyulon Troopers, though they often do not have APCs assigned to them.
Note that the Zoiloiat word for strider soldier is “torakyt”, but this is a descriptor (like “main battle tank” or “powered infantry” rather than a name, hence the use of the English here.
Product Information:
Range: Phystyulons
Race / Species: Elenthnar
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