The Phystyukor – which translates to (ironically) “Fist of Physt” is the archetypal Phystyulon cruiser. It has average mobility for a cruiser, but the compactness of Phystyulon drive an FTL technology means that it has almost twice the shielding of the average vessel of its size.
Primary weapons are provided in the case of heavy, spinal-mount fixed beam emplacements – two Class 75 lazer cannons and four Class 45 providing a powerful mid-to-long range punch. With an effective target envelope range of 1.67 lightseconds, the Class 75 cannons significantly out-range most galactic standard competitors.
From the upper and lower armour belt, all-round weapons fire is provided by the distinctive lazer pylons with the three-sided pyramid-tipped emission arrays have been synonymous with the Phystyulons for centuries. The Phystyukor’s pylons are twelve Class 45 arrays.
As typical for Phystyulon vessels, point-defence is provided by numerous small independent turrets scattered throughout the hull and armour plate – and some of which channel through the main pylon emitters. Most are less than five metres in size, but are armed with lazer beam cannons with powerful long-range capability. The Phystyukor has approximately forty of these weapons. However, not all the turrets have independent targeting as the systems are designed to fire for effect as a group. As a result, they are extremely capable of dealing with missile salvo or fighter group, but can be more easily overwhelmed by repeated salvo attacks in a short period of time. However, this system shines especially in the secondary anti-ship role, allowing each array of turrets to co-ordinate attacks to literally slice and melt chunks of an enemy vessel right off.
Like all Phystyulon vessels, the Phystyukor does not use GV drive, but instead a version of Dro’Sanla teleport drive. As a result, the hull shape is free of the constraints of the GV coils. Instead, the Dro’Sanla drives run from a pair of Nazograk (lit: “lightning of heaven/enlightenment”) Cores located on the upper hull. Thermal exhaust is still and issue, though not as much as for Wodef or Xyriat vessels. The Phystyulon approach is similar to the Wodef’s – using a large passive emitter, rather than a thermal exhaust. The Phystyulons take it one step further, with all but the upper super-structures and larger weapon emplacements coated with a thick armour belt, which also serves as the emission system. The glossy, almost featureless surface is broken only by the pylons and the almost invisible at range lazer turrets. The surface incandesces when viewed through the infrared spectrum, making the vessels seem hellishly lit.
Product Information:
Range: Phystyulons
Race / Species: Elenthnar
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