Goliath Boxer - Ygris "Darling" Skullsplitter

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Creator: DM Stash
Sale price€11,75
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[Medium Sized Model - 25mm Base]

(Note that Ygris is a Goliath and much taller than most other humanoids).

The head of security for the Crescent Moon. Known for her no-nonsense, confrontational attitude, the Colossal bruiser also hides a very observant and calculating nature beneath her seeming brashness. Skilet thus opted to assign her as the casino’s security chief after witnessing her cunning first hand in a time where she was still a lowly enforcer for him.

Ygris Skullsplitter never quite fit the mould her heritage demanded of her. A towering Colossal, raised not among her people in the northern reaches of Oldavor, but in the rugged kingdom of Formen to the north of Belfrie. Her formative years were spent far from the tribal customs of her kind, leaving her without the traditional facial markings or intricate tattoos that most Colossals bear as signs of kinship. While others wore these marks like badges of honour, Ygris was happy to be without them, but that didn't stop her from feeling like an outsider; an awkwardness that gnawed at her whenever fellow Colossals tried to relate to her, expecting shared customs and stories that she simply didn’t possess. Though it was not only her kin that made her feel like an outsider, for the Men of Formen and Belfrie found their own way to do that as well.

Ygris was no stranger to making her own way. Her imposing size and natural strength saw her through a rough upbringing in the bustling streets of Stahltop, Formen’s Capital. There the laws of survival were simple: be the biggest, be the toughest, or get trampled underfoot. For a time, Ygris took the brutish path to success, thriving as an enforcer for the Rossa Cartel, using her brute strength and fearsome demeanour to get the job done. But beneath her brawler's exterior lay a calculating mind, one that saw beyond fists and fury. It didn’t take long for those keen enough to notice that Ygris had a head for strategy; she could read a room like a book, foresee trouble before it reared its head, and make quick-witted decisions with an uncanny instinct for always choosing the best possible path.

Skilet saw this potential firsthand. In a moment of crisis, when a rival gang made a move on one of the Cartel’s trade routes, Ygris was one of the few who didn’t just stand and fight; she organised the chaos, creating distractions, funnelling foes into dead ends, and turning the tide of the skirmish with little more than a makeshift plan and her iron will. That day marked a turning point in her life. Skilet, recognizing her raw talent and cunning, pulled her out of the rank and file enforcers and placed her in a role far more suited to her skills: the head of security for the Crescent Moon Casino.

Now, as the Security Chief, Ygris rules over the casino floor like an overseer watching his underlings toil away in a foundry. Quick to confront anyone foolish enough to start trouble, she has a reputation for being brash, aggressive, and unyielding; a persona she wears with pride. But behind the confrontational facade is an ever-observant mind, always calculating the moves and motives of patrons, guards, and would-be thieves. She’s the first to spot a card cheat, the quickest to shut down a brawl before it starts, and the one who knows how to make a troublemaker disappear with a nod to the right enforcer. In the Crescent Moon, she’s found a place where she belongs; where her lack of tattoos doesn't matter, and where her strength and cunning are all the marks she needs.

Product Information:

Type: Character
Genre: Fantasy
Range: Betting in Blood - November 2024 Release
Grid Size: 32mm
Class: Fighter
Race / Species: Goliath

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