Nickis - Goblins da Tredzle
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Myneer Augolf da Tredzle-Mounted on Grackus - Goblins da Tredzle
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Gauen da Tredzle - Goblins da Tredzle
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Effa da Tredzle - Goblins da Tredzle
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Benjagr da Tredzle - Goblins da Tredzle
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Soone Thaar, the Chooser of Words - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Merlo Kataa - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Marra, daughter of Faeren - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Lindulae of the Higher Branches - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Glaive, son of Faeren - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Faeren the Farseeing - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Deitin the Whisperer - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Arren Klooser - The Elves of the High Hollow
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Ukko Hakka - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Terju McTanttu - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Petri Redhalla - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Matti Karhu - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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lmar Hakka - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Kigan Krust - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Eino Ægger - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Draugmaster Slee - The Dwarfs of The Dark Deep
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Zsagatai the Blue Blizzard - The Stoneborn of the Fire Mountains
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Zircon Firefang - The Stoneborn of the Fire Mountains
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Tourmaline the Petrifie - The Stoneborn of the Fire Mountains
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